The newly elected Board of the Belgian Hydrogen Council (BHC) gathered for the first time in Brussels to kick start its 2-years operational term and set the priorities for the period 2025 – 2026. The Board of the Belgian Hydrogen Council is appointed every 2 years.
The Belgian Hydrogen Council was launched in March 2023 by the regional cluster organisations WaterstofNet (Flanders) and Cluster Tweed (Wallonia), to strengthen Belgium’s position for hydrogen on a European and global level.
The past two years, the BHC has developed itself into a strong brand that represents the voice of the Belgian hydrogen ecosystem towards national and international stakeholders and promotes its strengths on the international scene.
At its creation, the BHC has installed a board formed by eight organisations, covering the whole hydrogen value chain. This board is elected by the members of the founding clusters.
A new board has now been chosen and is composed of nine organisations. In comparison to the previous board, an extra board seat was created for a SME representative. The organisations taking part of the new board for the period 2025-2026 are: DEME (production), John Cockerill (technology), Fluxys (infrastructure), Port of Antwerp-Bruges (ports & import), ArcelorMittal (industry), TotalEnergies (industry), Virya Energy (mobility), Beblue Cryotech (SME) and Sirris (research and innovation). The Chair of the Belgian Hydrogen Council is Tom Hautekiet of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges.
Together with the new board, we are looking forward to continue our mission to support our Belgian hydrogen industry and strengthen the ‘Team Belgium’ brand in the coming years.
The nine members of the Board and the program office of the Council met today for their first meeting in the new constellation : Tom Hautekiet, Raphael Tilot, Jean-Baptiste De Cuyper, Philippe Alboort, Hany AOUAD, Stephan Windels, Jerome d’Agruma, Tom CLAERBOUT and Pieter Jan Jordaens.