24 October 2024 • Docks Dome • Brussels

Annual BHC conference : Building the EU hydrogen value chain

WaterstofNet and Cluster Tweed invite you to the second conference of the Belgian Hydrogen Council (BHC):
“Building the EU hydrogen value chain, with Belgium at its heart”, Oct 24th, Dockx Dome, Brussels

At this conference, a number of Belgian and international speakers will give an update on what has been achieved during the past year and which most urgent issues discuss remain to be solved.  The whole value chain will be analysed in different sessions.


09:00 Reception with coffee and tea



  • Introduction by Program Office Belgian Hydrogen Council:
    Isabel François, WaterstofNet and Cédric Brüll, Cluster Tweed

Session 1 : Production of hydrogen : local or import


  • Renewable hydrogen production in Belgium: a fit for purpose approach: Stephan Windels, ViryaH2
  • H2BE – a key enabler for kickstarting the hydrogen and CO2 value chains in Belgium: Bob Van Schoor, Engie
  • Production in Oman: Jean-Baptiste De Cuyper, Deme
  • Production and import from the Atlantic Coastal Desert: Chris Prengels, Netzeroworx
  • Production and import from Canada: Paul Maclean, Bearhead Energy
    Q & A

11:00 Coffee break

Session 2 : Off take and market creation: opportunities and challenges


  • Clean ammonia to decarbonize food, shipping and energy: Eren Basak Gursoy, Yara
  • RFNBO & the Refinery Route, the opportunity to kickstart the hydrogen value chain: Tom Claerbout, TotalEnergies
    Q & A

Closing Morning session

12:10 European state of play: Jorgo Chatzimarkakis , Hydrogen Europe

12.30 Lunch

Session 3 : How to organise hydrogen transportation and storage?


  • Getting the Belgian H2 backbone on stream: Leen Vanhamme, Fluxys Hydrogen
  • Advancing Renewable Ammonia Cracking Technologies: Felix Cock, Air Liquide
  • Ammonia as a carrier to feed H2 applications in EU: Miquel Lope, Air Products
  • Import and storage in the port of Antwerp: Maxime Peeters, Vopak
    Q & A

15:00 Coffee break

Session 4: Manufacturing capacity is being built


  • Making green hydrogen affordable – High performance membranes for alkaline electrolyzers: Vincent Wille, Agfa
  • Innovative stack components for PEM electrolyzers: Edouard d’Autume, Bekaert
  • Expanding manufacturing of alkaline electrolyzers: Stéphane Putzeys, John Cockerill
  • Upscaling of PEM electrolyzer manufacturing : status, challenges and way forward: Denis Thomas, Accelera by Cummins
    Q & A


  • Overview Belgian academic hydrogen expertise to support our industry: Marijke Mahieu, UGent

Session 5: Hydrogen enablers: financing


  • Role of H2 global: Timo Bollerhey, HINT.CO
  • Role of European Hydrogen Bank and EIB: Roland Schulze, EIB
    Q & A

Closing: Next steps for the Belgian Hydrogen Council


  • Closing by President of the Belgian Hydrogen Council: Tom Hautekiet

17.30: Networking reception

Moderation by Francesca Vanthielen

Practical info


  • October 24 th., 9.00 h – 17.30h


  • Docks Dome Event hall, Lambermontlaan 1, 1000 Brussel – België
  • How to get there by public transport or car? Please find all info here>.


  • Participation for members of the Waterstof Industrie Cluster and Cluster Tweed is free of charge. (We ask for a no show fee of 100 euro if you registered but did not come)
  • Participation for non-cluster members costs: 250 € (excl. VAT).

Registration is open until Oct 18th 2024
Cancellation is possible until Oct 18th 2024

Gold sponsors

BHC gold sponsors

Silver sponsors

BHC sylver sponsors