Discover hydrogen activities in Belgium !

In this map you will find active production projects, refuelling stations, research institutes, hydrogen technology manufacturers and more.

How to use the map?

The default way? Click on one of the icons and a small pop-up will show. When you click on this pop-up, you will find more details on the project.

Looking for something more specific? Click on the filter button and use the filters to narrow your search. Here you can filter on the value chain, application, location and partners. You can also use the status filter if you are by example only looking for operational projects.

Looking for a specific company, project or application? Use the search function and type in the name of the company/project/application you are looking for.

Want to add your initiative?

If you want your hydrogen initiative to be shown on the map, click on the Submit hydrogen initiatives and describe your activity. We will contact you to discuss the possibilities.

Help us to keep this map updated

As the world of hydrogen is rapidly evolving it is quite difficult to update the map everyday. If you see information that is not up to date anymore, you can help us by clicking on the Request changes button on the bottom of the activity you are looking at. Together we can keep this map as up to date as possible.