Belgian Hydrogen Council and Hydrom Oman Sign Landmark MoU to Strengthen Green Hydrogen Collaboration
Brussels, December 4, 2024 – The Belgian Hydrogen Council (BHC) and Hydrom Oman SPC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance cooperation in the development and deployment of green hydrogen projects. This partnership [...]
Second Annual Conference – feedback and photos
The Belgian Hydrogen Council Conference, organised by WaterstofNet and Cluster Tweed, was a great success! Bringing together Belgian and international participants we discussed the European hydrogen value chain, where Belgium plays a crucial role. With [...]
Belgian Hydrogen Conference – Launch of the Belgian interactive hydrogen map
24 October 2024, Brussels – The Belgian Hydrogen Council (BHC) today organises its second conference in Brussels, bringing together the Belgian hydrogen ecosystem and many international stakeholders. At the conference the Belgian interactive hydrogen [...]
EU H2 Week – Bus tour Belgian Hydrogen Industry
Complementary BE industry site visit The Belgian Hydrogen Council is happy to invite you to visit two prominent locations for the Belgian Hydrogen industry: the Harbour House (Havenhuis) in Antwerp and the John [...]
Signature of a memorandum of Understanding by The Belgian Hydrogen Council and France Hydrogène
Agreement to promote French-Belgian hydrogen cooperation On the occasion of the state visit to France of the King and the Queen of the Belgians on Tuesday 15 October 2025, the Belgian Hydrogen Council and France Hydrogène signed [...]
RED III : Key considerations for the implementation of the RFNBO sub-targets in Belgium
Renewable Energy Directive III Key considerations for the implementation of the RFNBO sub-targets in Belgium The European clean hydrogen sector has been facing a deadlock in Europe: no producer will start producing as [...]