UAntwerpen: Antwerp Engineering, Photoelectrochemistry and Sensing (A-PECS)
University of Antwerp, Faculty of Science, Department of Bioscience Engineering
General expertise of the research group
The Antwerp engineering, photoelectrochemistry & sensing (A-PECS) research group has the overall mission to pioneer sustainable solutions for energy, environment & diagnostics. Concerning hydrogen, A-PECS primarily focusses on alternative water production technologies based on photocatalysis, electrolysis and photo-electrocatalysis. We maintain a holistic approach, addressing the problem from nano to macro, starting from the synthesis of new photo(electro)catalysts, all the way to innovative device engineering. In the synthesis of new catalysts, we strive for the exclusive use of non-critical raw materials, thus moving away from platinum group metals. On the level of devices, we study photocatalytic reactors, photo-electrochemical cells, and membraneless (photo)electrolyzers, with the ultimate goal to enable the use of abundant feedstocks (e.g. seawater) or wastewater as the feed.
Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics
- H2 production through water splitting by photocatalysis and photo-electrocatalysis
- Development of innovative membrane-free (photo)electrolyzers
- H2 recovery from wastewater and contaminated air
- Seawater splitting
- Solar-responsive photo(electro)catalytic materials
- 3D printing of H2 evolution reactors
- Gas phase analysis of H2 evolution reactions
Available equipment/tools
- Diverse set of analytics, including GC with pulsed-discharge detector (PDD) for low level H2 measurements, thermal conductivity detection (TCD) for high concentrations, etc.
- High speed camera for particle/bubble image velocimetry system for non-intrusive fluid flow characterization
- Fully automized gas testing setup with in-line gas detection by FTIR, GC, CLD, Syft-MS,…
- Potentiostat (electrochemical workstation)
- Stereolithographic 3D printer for in-house reactor printing
- Wide array of light sources, ranging from solar simulators, over customized single wavelength LEDs, to a highly tunable CoolLED pE-4000 system
Main relevant publications
- Flow-by membraneless electrolyzer designs: A macroporous flow dividing mesh increases maximum allowable electrode length (2024) R. Borah R., K.R. AG, S.W. Verbruggen. Fuel 377, 132779
- Recent Progress in Developing Non-Noble Metal Based Photocathodes for Solar Green Hydrogen Production. (2024) A.C. Minja, K.R. AG, A. Raes, R. Borah, S.W. Verbruggen. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 43, 101000
- Impact of soot deposits on waste gas-to-electricity conversion in a TiO₂/WO₃-based photofuel cell. (2023) K.R. AG, A.C. Minja, R. Ninakanti, M. Van Hal, F. Dingenen, R. Borah, S.W. Verbruggen. Chemical Engineering Journal 470, 144390.
- Gas phase photofuel cell consisting of WO3- and TiO2-photoanodes and an air-exposed cathode for simultaneous air purification and electricity generation. (2021) M. Van Hal, R. Campos, S. Lenaerts, K. De Wael, S.W. Verbruggen. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 292, 120204.
- Challenges in the use of hydrogen for maritime applications (2021). L. Van Hoecke, L. Laffineur, R. Campe, P. Perreault, S.W. Verbruggen, S. Lenaerts. Energy & Environmental Science 14 (2), 815-843
- Tapping Hydrogen Fuel from the Ocean: a Review on Photocatalytic, Photoelectrochemical and Electrolytic Splitting of Seawater (2021). F. Dingenen, S.W. Verbruggen. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 142, 110866
- Harvesting Hydrogen Gas from Air Pollutants with an Unbiased Gas Phase Photoelectrochemical cell (2017). S.W. Verbruggen, M. Van Hal, T. Bosserez, J. Rongé, B. Hauchecorne, J.A. Martens, S. Lenaerts. ChemSusChem 10, 1413-1418
Contact persons
Prof. Dr. S.W. Verbruggen
Professor Bioscience engineering