Knowledge institute
General expertise of the research group
- Technical textiles
- Composite reinforcements
- Surface treatment & Coatings
- Material testing
- Recycling
- Ecodesign
Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics
Development of technical textile and composite materials and associated processes to meet the need for functionalized membranes and high-performance, lightweight and durable composite materials for the green hydrogen sector.
Available equipment/tools
- Textile & Composite prototyping: knitting, weaving, braiding, TFP, light RTM, nano fiber e-spinning
- Pilot lines for surface treatments and Coatings
- Labs for physical and chemical tests
Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research
- COMP2BLADES – Composite with complex architecture for wind turbine blades
- VIBRA – Virtual Braiding – composite modeling with braided structures 21
- COBRACOMP – Braided Composites to improve competitiveness
- AACOMA – Accelerate Advanced Composite MAnufacturing (Interreg EMR)
- MACOBIO – Biocomposites for structural applications
- CISUFLO – Solvolyse of composite materials
Contact persons
Ing. Bernard Paquet
R&D manager Technical Textiles and Composites
PhD. Jun Yin
Researcher Technical Textiles and Composites
Ing. Baptiste Herlin
Contact Textile Technology Platform, Researcher TT & C