BHC research - imec

General expertise of the research group

In the area of energy research imec is active in the whole value chain from basic material research up to the system level. It spans applications from energy generation (Silicon, perovskite and tandem PV cells and modules), energy storage (solid state batteries), energy conversion (power to molecules or electrolysis and fuel cells) and energy systems. For this research, imec builds on its expertise in (semiconductor) electrochemistry, novel materials (electrodes, catalysts, electrolyte), surface functionalization, design of interfaces, various thin film deposition technologies. Imec also has expertise in characterization of relevant material properties at interfaces and in bulk, and of PV-cells and modules, batteries, electrolyzers and fuel cells.

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • Development of new solid electrolyte materials and membranes with lower resistance, lower
    thickness and lower gas cross-over.
  • Development of new thin electrodes with very large surface area and porosity for ionic conductivity based on controlled and ordered nanostructures to increase current density for thinner MEA.
  • Development of novel catalysts and related deposition technologies for higher efficiency and durability
  • Realization of membrane-electrode assemblies (MEA) as basic component for electrolysers
  • Upscaling of all the previous to scales which are industrially relevant
  • Study of dynamic behaviour as input for technology-aware modelling
  • Integration of PV-elements with electrochemical cells
  • Next generation electrolyser using steam or water from the environment (humidity)

Available equipment/tools:

  • Plating and anodization equipment for sizes up to 200 mm
  • Thin-film deposition (sputtering, atomic layer deposition, physical evaporation)
  • Printing and coating equipment (small size)
  • Sol-gel synthesis and analysis
  • Ionic conductivity and ionic coupling measurements
  • Electrochemical equipment for analysis, synthesis, and characterization
  • Single stack electrolyser test cells

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research:

  • H2-Mhytic – Blauwe Cluster – VITO, imec, UGent: Hydroxyl Exchange Membrane based electrolysis
  • PROCURA – ETF – imec, Vito, KUL, VUB, ULiège, WaterstofNet: PV-EC demonstrator and system modelling

Main relevant publications

  1. “Combining High Porosity with High Surface Area in Flexible Interconnected Nanowire Meshes for Hydrogen Generation and Beyond” Stanislaw Zankowski and Philippe M. Vereecken, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (51), pp 44634–44644; DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b15888
  2. Nanotechnologie: hoe een voetbalveld in een blikje frisdrank onze toekomst kan veranderen | VRT NWS: nieuws (
  3. “Redox Layer Deposition of Thin Films of MnO2 on Nanostructured Substrates from Aqueous Solutions” S.P. Zankowski, L van Hoecke, F Mattelaer, M de Raedt, O. Richard, C. Detavernier, P.M. Vereecken, Chemistry of Materials, 31(13):4805-4816 (2019). IF 9.89.
  4. “Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Nanoroughened GaN by Dry Etching” W. J. Tseng, D. H. van Dorp, R. R. Lieten, B. Mehta, P.M. Vereecken, and G. Borghs, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 2 (11) H51-H53 (2013). “Synthesis of large area carbon nanosheets for energy storage applications”, D. Cott, M. Verheijen,
  5. O. Richard, I. Radu, S. De Gendt, S. Van Elshocht, and P.M. Vereecken, Carbon 58, 59–65 (2013);

Contact persons

Philippe Vereecken

Jef Poortmans

Bart Onsia


Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven
