KULeuven: Mechanical Engineering Department/ESIM Research Group
Catholic University of Leuven

General expertise of the research group

Research focus and expertise is on quantitative tools, supporting an efficient operation of, and transition towards, a low-carbon energy system (mathematical modelling of energy systems). A major strength of the group is its interdisciplinary focus (techno-economic models considering multiple energy vectors, link to energy markets and policies). Modelling focus is on unit commitment models, generation expansion planning models, equilibrium models and agent-based models. Applications relate to flexibility through energy systems integration, market design, renewables support mechanisms and emission trading.

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • Integrated energy systems modelling
    • Including natural gas networks
    • Long term (seasonal) storage modelling
    • Interactions between electricity and gas sector
  • Policy impact assessment
    • Interaction with, e.g., emission trading systems (EU ETS)

Available equipment/tools:

  • Optimization models for the operation of energy systems (e.g., using Mixed Integer Linear Programming – MILP).
  • Optimization models for energy planning and scenario analyses.
  • Equilibrium models describing the interactions of various (market) actors in the liberalized electric power sector (e.g., consumers, generators, system operators).
  • Agent-based models to describe the electricity system as a complex adaptive system. This modelling approach captures the complex interactions among the physical infrastructure, the actors’ behaviour, and the institutions that govern those behaviours in an energy system.
  • All of the above can be combined with various policy instruments.

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research:

  • 2020-2025 PROCURA – Power to X and Carbon Capture & Utilization Roadmap for Belgium – Energy Transition Fund Belgium

International collaborations:

  • Hydrogen workgroup in EERA Joint Program on Energy Systems Integration

Main relevant publications

  1. Mertens, T., Bruninx, K., Duerinck, J., Delarue, E. (2021). Capacity credit of storage in long-term planning models and capacity markets. Electric Power Systems Research, 194, Art.No. 107070.
  2. Belderbos, A., Bruninx, K., Delarue, E., D’haeseleer, W. (2020). Facilitating renewables and power-to- gas via integrated electrical power-gas system scheduling. Applied Energy, 275, Art.No. 115082.
  3. Belderbos, A., D’haeseleer, W. (sup.), Delarue, E. (cosup.) (2019). Storage via Power-to-Gas in Future Energy Systems: The Need for Synthetic Fuel Storage in Systems with High Shares of Intermittent Renewables. PhD Thesis, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
  4. Belderbos, A., Delarue, E., Kessels, K., D’haeseleer, W. (2017). Levelized Cost of Storage – Introducing Novel Metrics. Energy Economics, 67, pp. 287-299.
  5. Belderbos, A., Virag, A., D’haeseleer, W., Delarue, E. (2017). Considerations on the need for electricity storage requirements: Power versus energy. Energy Conversion and Management, 143, 137-149.
  6. Vandewalle, J., D’haeseleer, W. (supervisor) (2014). Natural Gas in the Energy Transition – Technical challenges and opportunities of natural gas and its infrastructure as a flexibility-providing resource. PhD Thesis, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
  7. Vandewalle, J., Bruninx, K., D’haeseleer, W., 2015. Effects of large-scale power to gas conversion on the power, gas and carbon sectors and their interactions. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 94, pp 28-39.

Contact persons

Kenneth Bruninx

Prof. Erik Delarue

Tel. +32 16 32 25 21

Prof. William D’haeseleer

KULeuven | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division TME

Celestijnenlaan 300A, 3001 Leuven

ESIM Research Group