KU Leuven: Division of Applied Mechanics and Energy conversion, Mechatronics Group (TME, M-Group)
Catholic University of Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering

General expertise of the research group

The M-Group research team has a unique composition, including three departments – Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science. The primary focus of the M-Group is to investigate the reliability and dependability of highly automated interconnected mechatronic systems, where the TME@M-Group has a particular emphasis on unmanned aerial systems and hybrid hydrogen-based propulsion systems. The team consists of experts in various areas, including sensor networks and algorithms (Prof. H. Hallez), software dependability (Prof. J. Boydens), hardware and system safety (Prof. D. Pissoort), Artificial Intelligence and machine learning (Prof. M. Verbeke), H2 based systems for drone applications (Prof. F. Buysschaert), and dependable lightweight structures for aeronautics (Prof. G. Serhat).

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  •  Dependable hybrid drone propulsion with fuel cells

Available equipment/tools

  •  Electronic loads
  • FRA
  • Fuel cells
  • Modified Climate chambers, including mechanical stress (tension, pressure and shearing) and UV radiation
  • Halt (Highly Accelerated lifetime testing)
  • EMC test equipment (via FMEC, M-Group)

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research

  • HYDE: Hydrogen technology for Defence applications, DEFRA Belspo. Partners: KU Leuven, VIVES Zuid, VIVES Noord, Solenco Power.
  • H2-4-All: Fuel cell technologies for industry, VLAIO TETRA. Partners: VIVES-Zuid, KU Leuven, VIVES Noord

Main relevant publications

  1. Mus, J., Madhav, D., Vanierschot, M., Vandeginste, V., Buysschaert, F., 2024. A review of the impact of ambient conditions and degradation in hybrid fuel cell powered unmanned aerial vehicles. Journal of Power Sources 624, 235571. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378775324015234, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.235571.
  2.  Mus, J., Vanhoutte, B., Schotte, S., Fevery, S., Latré, S., Kleemann, M., Buysschaert, F. (2022). Design and Characterisation of an Alkaline Electrolyser. In: 2022 11th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), (253-259). Presented at the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), Istanbul, Turkey, 18 Sep 202221 Sep 2022. ISBN: 978-1-6654-7140-4. doi: 10.1109/ICRERA55966.2022.9922902
  3. Mus, J., Mylle, S., Schotte, S., Fevery, S., Latré, S., Buysschaert, F. (2022). CFD Modelling and Simulation of PEMFCs in STAR-CCM+. In: 2022 11th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), (260-267). Presented at the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), Istanbul, Turkey, 18 Sep 2022-21 Oct 2022. ISBN: 978-1-6654-7140
  4. 4. doi: 10.1109/ICRERA55966.2022.9922908
  5. Buysschaert, F., Mus, J. (2022). Waterstof en drones. Presented at the Drone West 22, Ostend, Belgium. (professionally oriented)
  6. Buysschaert, F., Van Luchem, P. (2022). Hydrogen Tech Day – Workshop: Regulations. Presented at the Hydrogen Tech Day, Kortrijk, Belgium. (professionally oriented)
  7. Mus, J., Buysschaert, F. (2022). Modelling & Characterization of Electrochemical Energy Systems. Presented at the Chemical Research in Flanders – Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists (CRF- ChemCYS), Blankenberge, Belgium.
  8. Schotte, S., De Tollenaere, S., Buysschaert, F., Mus, J., Uytterhaegen, B., van luchem, P. (2020). H2-4All presentation Fuel cell system. Presentation H2-4-All basics Fuel cells system.
  9. Buysschaert, F., Mus, J., De Tollenaere, S., Schotte, S., Van Luchem, P. (2021). Webinar: Hoe starten met toepassingen op waterstofgas?

Contact persons

Prof. Frank Buysschaert
Prof. Applied Mechanics and Energyconversion (TME), Campus Brugge


Dries Vanoost
Research Manager, Campus Brugge


University of Leuven | Department of Mechanical Engineering

Spoorwegstraat 12,
8200 Sint-Michiels

TME (M-group)