OCAS: Department of Applications and Solutions
R&D Centre
General expertise of the research group
Applied research and development of materials. Supported by a state-of-the-art lab, OCAS can perform decent metallurgical investigations and testing of materials in different environments with the ability to closely represent the operational circumstances. Solving questions of customers about material compatibility considering degradation, design life and safety aspects. Ranking of candidate materials, material selection and risk mitigation.
Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics
- Applied R&D on the interaction between hydrogen and materials
- Thorough knowledge and understanding of the metallurgical phenomena
- Testing, standard and non-standard test equipment, for determination and understanding of the effect of hydrogen on the material performance under specific conditions and w/o loading: unloaded, static or dynamic loading
- Determination of the behaviour of a material in an environment with presence of hydrogen at certain operating conditions
- Modelling of interaction between hydrogen and materials by empirical testing and numerical simulations. Models to optimise production processes, maintenance schedules and prediction of material/component lifetime in a hydrogen environment
- OCAS differentiates by focussing on large scale testing, test setups that cannot be performed in normal-sized labs, considering real operating conditions and safety aspects of the bigger industrial installations and infrastructure
- Building of specific test equipment for testing under high pressure (including hydrogen, pure or blend) exposing materials and/or components. This service comprises the design and assembly of tailor-made test rigs for multipurpose i.e. focussing on a specific component of which the fitnessfor- purpose of the design is assessed with respect to a certain application, operating conditions and safety aspects
- Assessment of pass / fail criteria on re-purposing assets such as pipelines and pressure vessels towards using hydrogen as transport or storage medium
- Acceptance testing on fit for use aspects of seals (threaded metal-to-metal and other) in combination with different mixtures of hydrogen towards transmission, storage and end-use applications (e.g. downhole, pipeline, pressure vessel, gas bottle, connections, … )
Available equipment/tools
All analytical equipment for measuring hydrogen content, in and through materials. OCAS is accredited for a series of analyses and qualified to work with deuterium.
- See equipment as specified in section Metallurgy
- Specialised software and modelling tools
- Upscale fatigue bench for large scale components or structures
- Heavy testing bench with possibilities for external and internal loading (installed in pressure pit)
- New to build, tailor-made test rigs for customer dedicated
International collaborations
- OCAS mainly works on a bilateral agreement between national or international customers. Different extends are possible, from a single measurement up to a dedicated research program. OCAS aims to accelerate the R&D at the customer, giving support by sharing competences and specific equipment.
Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research
- Open to collaborate in funded projects
- HYWAY – Multiscale Characterisation and Simulation for Hydrogen Embrittlement Assessment: Development of an Open Knowledge Platform to Foster Capability Integration – HORIZON-CL4-2023
Main relevant publications
- Investigation of hydrogen trapping in retained austenite via deuterium charging at high temperature. L Moli-Sanchez, Z Zermout, L Duprez. Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen, May 2018, Ghent, Belgium
- Hydrogen embrittlement of 4 martensitic steels with strength levels above 1000 MPa. L. MoliSanchez, Z. Zermout, L. Duprez, L. Malet. (Proceedings SteelyHydrogen 2014)
- Effect of in-situ hydrogen charging on the mechanical properties of advanced high strength steels. T. Depover, D. Pérez Escobar, E. Wallaert, Z. Zermout. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 39 (2014) pp. 4647–4656
- Hydrogen embrittlement in various steels with strength levels above 1000 MPa. L Duprez, M Arafin, F Van den Abeele, N Bernier. Joint HYDROGENIUS and I2CNER International Workshop on Hydrogen – Materials Interactions 2012 Kyushu University
- Combined thermal desorption spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction study of hydrogen trapping in cold deformed TRIP steel. D. Perez Escobar, T. Depover, L Duprez, K. Verbeken and M. Verhaege. (2012) ACTA MATERIALIA. 60(6-7). p.2593-2605
- Thermal desorption spectroscopy study of the interaction between hydrogen and different microstructural constituents in lab cast Fe-C alloys. D. Pérez Escobar, T. Depover, E. Wallaert, L. Duprez, M. Verhaege, K. Verbeken. Corrosion Science. Vol. 65 (2012) pp. 199-208
- Evaluation of hydrogen trapping in high strength steels by thermal desorption spectroscopy. D. Perez Escobar, K Verbeken, L Duprez, M Verhaege (2012) MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING. 551. p.50-58
- Internal and surface damage of multiphase steels and pure iron after electrochemical hydrogen charging. D Perez Escobar, C Minambres, L Duprez, K Verbeken, M Verhaege (2011) CORROSION SCIENCE. 53(10). p.3166-3176
- Selecting hydrogen embrittlement resistant materials by means of the disc rupture test. Elke Leunis, Lode Duprez. 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010, Essen / Germany
Contact persons
Steven Keyzer
Philippe Thibaux
OCAS | Department of Surface Engineering
OCAS Zelzate
President John F. Kennedylaan 3,
9060 Zelzate
OCAS Zwijnaarde
Technologiepark Techlane A2,
9052 Zwijnaarde