VUB: Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics (FLOW) Vrije Universiteit [...]
Debecker lab
Debecker lab
Catalysts for the decomposition of NH3, Development and experimental measurements of metal-based heterogeneous catalysts for the hydrogenation reaction of NH3, Development of heterogeneous catalysts dedicated to the production of H2 through ethanol dry reforming, Modelling, development and/or experimental measurements of metal-based heterogeneous catalysts for the hydrogenation reaction of CO2
Debecker lab
marijke mahieu2025-01-07T13:06:13+01:00UCLouvain: Debecker Lab University of Louvain, Institute of [...]
Department of Chemical Engineering
stijn meel2025-01-03T13:53:01+01:00VUB: Department of Chemical Engineering Vrije Universiteit Brussel, [...]
Research Expertise Group on Liquid & Solid Propulsion (storage & transport of H2)
stijn meel2025-01-03T13:43:24+01:00VKI: Research Expertise Group on Liquid & Solid [...]
Materials and Processes Engineering (IMAP)
marijke mahieu2025-01-07T13:07:03+01:00UCLouvain: Materials and Processes Engineering (IMAP) University of [...]
Research group Energy – Hydrogen production
stijn meel2025-01-03T12:07:26+01:00VIVES UAS: Research group Energy - Hydrogen production [...]
Separation and Conversion Technology (SCT)
stijn meel2025-01-03T11:39:07+01:00VITO: Separation and Conversion Technology (SCT) sustainable chemistry [...]
Metallic Materials for Additive Manufacturing
marijke mahieu2025-01-03T11:12:42+01:00ULiège: Metallic Materials for Additive Manufacturing University of [...]
Aéro-Thermo-Mécanique (ATM)
Aéro-Thermo-Mécanique (ATM)
Characterisation and modelling of cogeneration units (piston engines and (micro) gas turbines) powered by syngas, e-fuel (H2) and alternative fuels, Design, optimisation and techno-economic assessment of Multi-Energy Systems that include hydrogen as a vector, Energy management systems modelling, Process modelling and optimisation, techno-economic assessment
Aéro-Thermo-Mécanique (ATM)
marijke mahieu2025-01-03T09:13:51+01:00ULB: Aéro-Thermo-Mécanique (ATM) Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculty [...]
Thermal Engineering and Combustion Unit (TRMI)
marijke mahieu2025-01-03T11:26:09+01:00UMons: Thermal Engineering and Combustion Unit (TRMI) University [...]