Precision Manufacturing General expertise of [...]
Additive Manufacturing
stijn meel2025-01-06T16:21:25+01:00Additive Manufacturing General expertise of [...]
Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD) & Composite Materials Group (CMG)
stijn meel2025-01-06T16:09:43+01:00KU Leuven: Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD) & Composite [...]
LowCarb Research Group
marijke mahieu2025-01-06T16:14:55+01:00KU Leuven: LowCarb Research Group Catholic University of Leuven, [...]
Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (COK-KAT)
Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (COK-KAT)
Ammonia synthesis and cracking (also plasma-based), Development of low cost and efficient electrodes, membranes and MEA's, Hydrogen panels producing hydrogen from sunlight and water from air, New catalysts (e.g. for the Habrer-Bosch process or plasma catalysis ammonia), Storage of hydrogen in clathrates
Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (COK-KAT)
stijn meel2025-01-06T16:13:27+01:00KU Leuven: Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis [...]
Electrical energy Applications (ELECTA)
stijn meel2025-01-06T15:59:42+01:00KU Leuven: Electrical energy Applications (ELECTA) Catholic University of [...]
Laboratory of Biomass and Green Technologies
Admin2025-01-03T10:55:39+01:00ULiège: Laboratory of Biomass and Green Technologies University [...]