UGent: Centre of Environmental & Energy Law
University of Ghent

General expertise of the research group

Energy Law is the part of the law that regulates the human acting dealing with production/exploitation, transports an use of energy. The contemporary Energy Law is very recent. Especially the European liberalisation and Climate change have led to a juridification of the traditional technical approach of “the energy business” and to an appearance of Energy law.

Energy Law is extremely technical and complex, fast evoluating Law Branch. The Centre for Environmental and Energy Law has built a specific expert’s centre regarding Energy Law. This unit works within Ghent University together to bound research, valorization and cooperation with other research groups of Energy Law.

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • The division of competence in the field of hydrogen and green molecules
  • Certification of hydrogen and green molecules

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research

Main relevant publications

  1. See website:
  2. Vandendriessche F, Claeys P. “Target setting” in het Europese energie- en klimaatbeleid : het “Clean Energy Package.” TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR MILIEURECHT. 2019;(3):262–83.
  3. Maes T, Van Eetvelde G, De Ras E, Block C, Pisman A, Verhofstede B, et al. Energy management on industrial parks in Flanders. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 2011;15(4):1988–2005

Contact persons

Prof. Frederik Vandendriessche

University of Ghent • Centre of Environmental & Energy Law

Campus Aula,  Department of European, Public and International Law,  Universiteitstraat 4,  9000 Gent

Centre for Environmental & Energy Law