UGent: Conformal Coating of Nanomaterials (COCOON) University of [...]

Laboratory of Adsorption and Catalysis (LADCA)
stijn meel2025-01-07T12:15:47+01:00UAntwerpen: Laboratory of Adsorption and Catalysis (LADCA) University [...]

Applied Electrochemistry and Catalysis (ELCAT)
Applied Electrochemistry and Catalysis (ELCAT)
3D (Nanomesh) electrodes for enhanced current density, CO2 electrolysis for production of chemicals and e-fuels, Development of low cost and efficient electrodes, membranes and MEA's, New designs for electrochemical cells, Study of improved hydrodynamics e.g. bubble release
Applied Electrochemistry and Catalysis (ELCAT)
stijn meel2025-01-07T12:16:48+01:00UAntwerpen: Electrochemistry and Catalysis (ELCAT) University of Antwerp, [...]
Precision Manufacturing
stijn meel2025-01-06T16:20:19+01:00Precision Manufacturing General expertise of [...]

Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (COK-KAT)
Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (COK-KAT)
Ammonia synthesis and cracking (also plasma-based), Development of low cost and efficient electrodes, membranes and MEA's, Hydrogen panels producing hydrogen from sunlight and water from air, New catalysts (e.g. for the Habrer-Bosch process or plasma catalysis ammonia), Storage of hydrogen in clathrates
Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (COK-KAT)
stijn meel2025-01-06T16:13:27+01:00KU Leuven: Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis [...]